Course Outline

12 segments to align with every aspect of your modern-day life

    1. Introductory + Overview Video

    2. My Important Life Details Spreadsheet

    1. Part A: Use the Checklist to Identify what Devices Make Up Your Estate

    2. Part B: Use the Spreadsheet to Capture Information about Your Devices

    1. Part A: Use the Checklist to Identify what Legal Documents You Have

    2. Part B: Use the Spreadsheet to Capture Information about Your Legal Information

    1. Part A: Use the Checklist to Identify what Medical Information Applies to You

    2. EXTRA: How to Set Up Emergency Contacts in your iPhone

    3. Part B: Use the Spreadsheet to Capture Information about Your Medical Information

    1. Part A: Use the Checklist to Identify what Financial Accounts You Have

    2. Part B: Use the Spreadsheet to Capture Information about Your Finances

    1. Part A: Use the Checklist to Identify What Aspects of Your Home Are Part of Your Estate

    2. Part B: Use the Spreadsheet to Capture Information about Your Home

Your how-to guide to organizing your important life details in today’s high-tech world. Give yourself peace of mind that your loved ones will be able to easily fulfill your wishes, access your devices + know all your passwords. The greatest gift you can leave your loved ones is a well-organized estate.

  • $597.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Organize your important life details, staring today.

Your loved ones will be forever grateful as you'll save them not only money but also hours of aggravation and stress!